• Vision
  • Mission
  • Services
  • Investor Service
  • Rights of investor
  • DO's and DON’Ts
    for Investor
  • Grievance / Complaints Redressal –
    Escalation Mechanism:



To be a trusted, transparent and prompt service provider to the investors, conforming to the highest standards of compliance, confidentiality and professionalism in conduct, to meet the obligation towards investors in Indian capital markets.



  • To maintain high standard of integrity in the conduct of business by fulfilling obligations in a prompt, ethical and professional manner.
  • To comply with all regulatory requirements in a time bound manner
  • To facilitate prompt service to investors by and through streamlining the process and harnessing technology
  • To facilitate easy approach, communication and interface with investors so as to resolve their queries / grievances

Services Provided

Services provided by RTA to investors

  • Providing details of allotment and clarification on allotment.
  • Processing change in /up-dation of the KYC details of the investors for physical holdings like change of address/bank account details/ e-mail address /telephone/mobile/ nomination and PAN.
  • Processing and updating investor holding/title change requests viz name deletion, transmission, transposition, issue of duplicate shares, dematerialization and rematerialisation of securities.
  • Processing of other requests, viz., recording of declaration w.r.t. exemption / lower tax rates for TDS on dividend/interest, revalidation and reissue of dividend and interest instruments.
  • Execution and intimation of other corporate actions viz., ESOPs, Dividend payment, Stock split, Bonus issue and Merger/Demerger activities.
  • Communication of Rights issue entitlements.
  • Communication of Buyback, exit offer, takeover made by the company/ acquirer, and the procedure to be followed by investor in respect of these issues
  • Mandatory execution of transfer of shares and dividends to IEPF and transfer of undelivered share certificates to Suspense account.
  • Process grievance received through mails and Letters and those through SCORES also.

Investor Service

Timelines pertaining to various services provided by RTA

Sr No Nature of Service Expected Timelines (days)
A. Investor Service Request:
1 Processing of transmission request 21
2 Processing of issue of duplicate security certificate request 30
3 Processing of dematerialization request 15
4 Processing of remat request 30
5 Processing of Transposition request 15
6 Processing of request for change in / up-dation of
a Name 30
b Signature 30
c Nomination 30
d Contact details (Address, E-mail address, and Mobile number) 15
e Bank account details 15
II. Processing of request for Up-dation of PAN 15
7 Processing of Re-validation of dividend / interest / redemption instruments and sending the remittance request files to the bank / Company 15
B. Grievance Redressal:
1 Providing response to the inquiries of the investors and Redressal of Grievance 21
C. Other Operational activities:
1 Allotment of securities (IPO) 3
2.a Intimation regarding distribution of corporate benefits (dividend, bonus, stock Split) - E-mail communication 15
2.b Intimation regarding distribution of corporate benefits (dividend, bonus, stock Split) - Physical communication 30

Rights of investor

Rights of investors

  • Receive all the benefits/ material information declared by the Company.
  • Actively participate in the AGM / EGM of the company & E-voting events so as to be a part of the decision making of the Company’s business resolutions.
  • In case of any grievances, approach RTA, Depository, Company, Stock Exchange or SEBI for resolution within prescribed timelines.

DO's and DON’Ts
for Investor

DOs and DON’Ts for Investor

Dos Don'ts
1. Encash dividend/Interest regularly to avoid transfer of unclaimed amount/underlying securities to IEPF. 1. Do not keep your folios without PAN.
2. Follow up diligently and promptly if you have not received allotment intimation/certificate/dividend/interest, etc. 2. Do not keep your folios without nomination.
3. Ensure that your PAN is registered with the RTA for all your folios. 3. Do not deal with unauthorized persons for any investor service requests such as change in/updation of address, e-mail address, mobile number, and bank details.
4. Ensure nomination is registered for all your securities to smoothen the transmission. 4. Do not share security details, viz. folio number, certificate number, distinctive number(s), bank details, specimen signature, KYC documents, etc., with unknown person(s).
5. Ensure that all KYC details viz full postal address with PIN, mobile number, e-mail address, etc., are updated to facilitate the RTA for sending communication.
6. Ensure that correct and complete Bank details are recorded with RTA to facilitate prompt electronic credit of dividend/interest/redemption amounts and eliminate the possibility of unclaimed amounts/underlying securities being transferred to IEPF.
7. Promptly inform the RTA in writing and complete required formalities in case of loss of securities.
8. Ensure that the documents provided for availing any investor service request are complete in all respects and keep copies of documents sent to the RTA.
9. Monitor all corporate announcements pertaining to investments made.

Grievance / Complaints Redressal –
Escalation Mechanism

Grievance Redressal – Modes and Escalation Mechanism

  • To Listed company / RTA
    • a) Investor shall check the website of listed company / RTA for the dedicated grievance e-mail ID and other relevant details of the grievance redressal division / compliance officer for the purpose of registering grievances / complaints.
    • b) Investor can dial on help numbers or point of service of RTA for any query or concern.
    • c) For lodging the grievance, the investor can write to listed entity / RTA’s dedicated e-mail address or through physical letter.
    • d) While lodging a complaint it is necessary for investor to mention the following:
      • Nature of Complaint
      • Name of Issuer Company
      • Folio number
      • Full Name of shareholder
      • E-mail address and mobile number
      • Reference to any previous correspondence made in this regard
      • Provide the relevant documents and
      • also update KYC and details, if there are any changes
    • e) Upon receipt of the complaint, RTA after due verification shall send intimation of redressal / resolution of complaint via e-mail / physical letter as applicable within 30 days from the date of receipt of complaint.
  • To Stock Exchanges - Online registration of complaint / grievance on stock exchanges:
    • a) The nature of the complaint that can be lodged against listed company has been given on the websites of the Stock Exchange. Upon receipt of complaint, the stock exchange shall forward the same to the concerned company with a copy to the complainant.
    • b) If the company fails to redress the complaint within 30 days, the exchange sends a reminder to the company and follows up with the company and its respective RTA.
    • c) If the investor is not satisfied with the redressal / resolution of the complaint by the listed company / RTA, investor can lodge the complaint on the SEBI SCORES.
  • Grievance Redressal Mechanism at SEBI
    • Complaints can be lodged with SEBI electronically through SEBI Complaints Redress System - SCORES (a web based centralized grievance redressal system of SEBI at https://scores.gov.in/